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Best PGDM Colleges in Bangalore | Top 10 PGDM Colleges in Bangalore

Year 2 Curriculum

Year 2 - Courses and Credits

ABBSSM has the distinction of offering the largest number of elective courses. The electives cover a wide array of topics. Advanced Business Analytics (ABA) was launched with the aim of strengthening of research and teaching programmes. Students, accompanied by ABBSSM faculty members interact with local universities, companies and research centres which gives them a better understanding of specific analytical skills.

Audit Courses

PGDM students have the option to take an audit courses across any electives offered by the department. These courses are guided by faculty and provide students an opportunity to personalize their academic work to pursue their specific areas of interest in depth.

Term IV

Term IVSubjectCredits
PGDM 401Strategic Management3
PGDM 402Personality Enhancement Level I2
 Students Choose Five Elective from Below5*4=20 Credits
PGDM MM 403-408Marketing Electives – 6 Courses4
PGDM FM 403-408Finance Electives – 6 Courses4
PGDM OM403-408Operations Electives – 6 Courses4
PGDM HRM 403-408Human Resource Electives – 6 Courses4
PGDM ABA 403-408Advanced Business Analytics – 6 Courses4
Total Credits 25

*The student will choose any 5 Papers in their choice of specialization totaling to 20 credits

Term V

Term VSubjectCredits
PGDM 501Personality Enhancement Level -II2
 Student Will Choose Five Electives from Below5*4=20 Credits
PGDM MM 501-507Marketing Electives – 5 Courses4
PGDM FM 501-507Finance Electives – 5 Courses4
PGDM OM 501-507Operations Electives – 5 Courses4
PGDM HRM 501-506Human Resource Electives – 5 Courses4
PGDM ABA 501-507Advanced Business Analutics – 5 Courses4
Total Credits 22

Term VI

Term VISubjectCredits
PGDM 601Capstone Project in Chosen Specialization2
PGDM 602Research and Publication in Chosen Specialization2
PGDM 603Industry Internship Program9
Total Credits 13

Note: Total Contact hours in each course is mostly 30/ 40 which comprises of Lectures (Classroom Contact Hours) as per AICTE norms. The tutorials are planned by the individual faculty which are over and above 40 contact hours. The tutorials are planned based on the requirement of the course, number of weak students and their needs which are identified by the individual faculty.